

Sacha Calmon e Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados na Brazil Tax

07 de outubro de 2009

O escritório foi mais uma vez lembrado pela publicação inglesa Brazil Tax, editada pela Chambers & Partners, em sua mais recente edição.


From its four Brazilian offices this boutique has made great advances. Litigation is one of the main successes at this firm, and it has handled many cases at first instance and on appeal. Indeed, the team has had cases reaching the Supreme Court relating to the constitutionality of laws. Peers agree: “The lawyers are of an exceptional level – this is a firm you hear about a lot!” Sacha Calmon Navarro Coelho is a linchpin for both counseling and litigation work. His professional career has been dominated bay tax, with administrative and academic posts punctuating his years of private practice. As one commentator put it, “he is a master of his art – and gets recognition from the highest levels.” Misabel Abreu Machado Derzi is lauded as “a dazzling and energetic lawyer.” An exattorney general at the state and municipal level, she is especially well regarded in disputes.
